Ikinuki van de Kerselereveld
The shiba is the oldest and smallest one of the Japanese dog breeds. It dates back to the third century before Christ and  the shiba dog could even be older. "Shiba" may mean very small, but it could also refer to the brushwood trees that filled the hunting areas in Japan. The color of those trees matches the color of the red shiba. But theories about the descent of the Shiba Inu and about his ancestors must be interpreted with caution. The original name wasn't given until the early 1900s when a very high quality shiba was bred. In 1936 the shiba became protected as a national inheritance. Despite all the precoutions the shiba became deteriorated after World War II and the breed was almost completely extinct.Later some dog-fanciers looked for authentic shiba's and started a breeding programm. 

The shiba is again very popular. They can be used as a hunting dog and guard dog. Due to his small size a shiba is also perfect as a company dog. Since 1970 the shiba found his way to Europe. 

Family: Spitz
Place of Origin: Japan 
Date of Origin: Ancient
Average size:  Male --> Height: 14.5-16.5 inches
                                 Female --> Height: 13.5-15.5 inches
Life span: About 15 years
Original function: hunting and guard dog
Primary function (nowadays): Companion 

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